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I’m 53, I’m Irish, I’m in Girona and I love bacon, wine and coffee - despite all of this I can help you.

I’ve a background in Sports science and coaching sports to Olympic level, with experience working with cyclists, non-athletes, golfers, runners, F1 drivers, triathletes, even polo players of the horse-riding kind.

I cycle up mountains, swim in rivers, run in forests, talk to interesting people like you and get huge pleasure from seeing my clients exceed their goals.

I’ve written numerous published articles in the sport and fitness media and have authored 2 books on training published in 3 languages.

“A program from Dave helped me get to a new racing weight without hunger, losing energy, or losing power - in 12 years racing I’ve never known anything like it ”. MB

“I lost 26kg in 4 months and quite literally found a new life. I am so grateful, my plan was easy to follow and so effective and now I just love being active and slim”. HG

“I was cynical to the point of ridicule when I saw what Dave had prescribed for me, then astonished at the improvements I saw in weeks. Highly recommended”. BM

“I’d struggled to break 46 minutes for 10km, yet 4 weeks after starting what seemed like an unusual program from Dave, I ran a 43’ 10km. Quite stunned at the result”. AH

"Dave Smith coached me to an Olympic medal, when everyone predicted a top 10 would be my level.  Nothing more to add!” SD

My approach is a little unusual, but very effective. I will remove obstacles to success rather than adding complexity. I provide alternatives, challenges, support, laughter and recipes. I’ll make you thrive on challenges rather than simply able to withstand challenges.